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We support the Sustainable Development Goals!

Be sustainable

We are material scientists trying to relate materials research to sustainable practice that extends to everyday life activities. Our research focuses on the development of nanomaterials for renewable energy resources and health applications. Besides developing novel green energy generating or storing alternatives we also focus on the use of green chemical approaches. 

Sustainability plays a critical role in materials development leaving the choice of raw materials we are using or the environmental-friendly use of produced materials to us scientists. Therefore, we as scientists share a responsibility to support the sustainable advancement of our society on a global scale. Since sustainability is a global issue that goes far beyond the development of clean energy resources, the United Nations General Assembly identified 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 as a „blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all“.

While one of our major goals is represented in SDG no. 7 'clean and affordable energy solutions', we care a lot about SDG no. 3 'good health and well being' (not only in times of Corona virus). Being actively involved in the education system at the University of Cologne and on worldwide conferences, educating students on the incorporation of SDGs into materials design and experimental procedures as well as teaching potential solutions for reducing our carbon and water-footprint in research and everyday life is of outmost importance for our team (SDG no. 4 'quality education'). Nevertheless, transforming our sustainability activities into a green and sutainable movement within the University, Cologne, Germany and maybe even across national borders, we need valuable partners that complement our expertise and are interested in joining our future activities (SDG no. 17 'partnerships for the goals').


Being part of our research Chapters, thus local representatives of the two major societies of material scientist worldwide, namely the (European) Materials Research Society (MRS, E-MRS) and the American Ceramics Society (ACerS), we aim to transport our vision and green spirit across the world. Find out more about our local Chapter activities:

We need you!

We are always looking for new partners to pursue the SDGs within the University and Cologne! Interested in becoming a sustainability ambassador at the University of Cologne?

Contact us: